New Members

If you are new to St. John's, welcome! We are delighted that you have found a church home here with us and look forward to journeying with you as we continue to grow in our faith, forming ourselves to be disciples of Jesus, being the hands, feet and heart of God in our world by gathering together for worship and fellowship, growing our faith, and going out into the world.

Who are the members of St. John's? If you've been worshipping with us, that is you! 

In keeping with the theology of the Episcopal Church, baptism is the sacrament of full initiation into the Church, by which we are all adopted into God's family. If you are a baptized Follower of Jesus, you are a member of this church. It is important that we all remember that the Church is not this building or institution, but is made up of the individual people, gathered together in community, who constitute our membership. We ARE the church!  If you have not been baptized in any Christian Church and would like to be, please click the "Contact the Rector" button and let us know "I would like to be baptized."

If you are a member of another Episcopal Church and would like to transfer your membership to St. John's, please click the "Contact the Rector" button and let us know that you would like to "Request a Letter of Transfer."  We will contact your previous church and have your membership transferred. 

In order to be considered a "Member in Good Standing", it is expected that you be baptized, regularly attend worship and receive Holy Communion, contribute to the health of this community by sharing your time and talent, and contribute to the financial health of this community by sharing your resources as a "giver of record". If you have not done so, and would like to become a pledging member, please click on the "Make a Pledge" button to the right and let us know! 

If you would like to know more about what the Episcopal Church believes and why we do some of the things that we do in our worship, please consider attending our next "Discovering the Episcopal Church" class, which be scheduled soon.  It is our deepest desire that you know that you are loved here at St. John's, just as you are - no exceptions! If you would like to speak with Fr. Jeremy and learn more about St. John's, please email him, or attend our next New Comers' Reception. Upcoming Dates are listed to the right. Again, WELCOME! We are excited that you are here. 

Please join us for our next Newcomers Reception:

Please stay tuned for the next Reception.

Please join us for our next "Discovering Saint John's" class:

Date & Time To Be Announced

Contact the Rector Make a Pledge
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